Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tomorrow's Special Guest Speakers - Northport High School "A Midwinter Night's Dream" Students

Come to tomorrow's lunch to discover the power of
our students from
Northport High School's
A Midwinter Night's Dream!

This incredible group of students raised a staggering $420,000 last year towards ALS research. Student Angela Connors and guests will explain their involvement in the organization, the activities and new plans for this year's program.

Make sure you attend this week's lunch...these kids do an amazing job for ALS. Come support the students that are giving back to our community.

We can help advance two of the main Kiwanis goals - kids and community. Let's support the Midwinter Night's Dream as best we can.

PS. Some of the girls in this group are the Tigerettes that come assist us on Cow Harbor Day every year!

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